2023-2024 Professor Emeritus, Texas Tech University, College of Architecture
2022-2023 Associate Professor, Texas Tech University, College of Architecture
1996-2016 Associate Professor, Texas Tech University, College of Architecture
2008-2016 Assistant Dean, Texas Tech University, College of Architecture
1990 Masters of Fine Arts
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA
1987 Masters in Architecture
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA
1980 Bachelor of Architecture
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA
2018 Honorable mention, “Fantastic Florida”, Saint Augustine Art Association, Florida.
2013 Second place award, Lubbock Arts Festival competition, Texas.
2012 25th Annual McNeese National works on paper, purchase award.
2008 First place award, Lubbock Arts Festival competition, Texas.
2007 1st Place Award, Art Competition, Boise State University Women’s Center, Idaho.
2005 Honor, Texas Tech Women’s Studies Community Connection, Lubbock, Texas.
2020 “11th annual 10x10x10xTieton”, Tieton Arts and Humanities, Tieton, WA.
2018 “Fantastic Florida”, Saint Augustine Art Association, Florida.
2015 “Valdosta National”, Fine Arts Gallery, Valdosta State University, Georgia.
2014 “McNeese state University 27th works on paper”, Lake Charles, Louisianan.
2013 “Stories we Tell”, Phoenix Gallery, National Competition, New York City.
2012 “Honoring Women’s Rights”, National Steinbeck center in Salinas California,
2011 “Man as Object: Reversing the Gaze”, National competition, Women’s Caucus for the Arts, SOMArts Cultural center in San Francisco and Kinsey Institute Gallery in Bloomington, Indiana.
2010 “Positivenegative 25”, Slocumb Galleries, Department of Art and design, Eastern Tennessee State University, Johnson City, National Competition.
2007 “Women’s History Month, Boise State University, Idaho. National juried exhibition. First place award.
2006 “10th Annual Rio Brazos Art Exhibition”, Tarleton State University, Granbury, Texas. National juried group exhibition.
2006 “Defining Freedom”, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washington State. National and juried group exhibition.
2004 “Women in the Middle: Borders, Barriers, Intersections” (International and juried), Walker’s Point Center for the Arts and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Union Art Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. International and juried group exhibition.
2024-2026 “Nepantla: The Land is the Beloved”, Takoma Art Museum, Takoma, WA
2023 “Group Exhibition”, Misericordia University, Dallas, PA
2022 “Gathering, On Going 2”, Buddy Holly Center for the Arts, Lubbock, TX.
2022 “Gathering”, one person exhibition, Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX.
2022 “Collage works”, one person, Charles Adams Gallery, Lubbock, TX.
2022 “Collage works at Jacaranda Images”, group exhibition, Amman, Jordan.
2022 “Migrant Madonna”, South LA Contemporary Gallery (SOLA), LA, CA.
2021 “We know who we are…”, Women and their Works, Austin, TX.
2021 “To Oakland with Love”, Pro Arts Center, Oakland, CA
2016 “Water”, one person exhibition, Laredo community college, Texas, USA.
2015 “Human Rights”, group exhibition (eight faculty at Texas Tech University), Regional exhibition, at International Cultural Center, Texas Tech University.
2013 “Al-Mutanabi Street starts here”, group global exhibition, Center for book arts, New York City, USA.
2013 “The Exquisite Uterus: The Art of Resistance”, group national exhibition, University of Wisconsin. Wisconsin.
2012 “Lahib Jaddo” Process Art House, one-person regional exhibition, Amarillo, TX.
2011 “100 Years of Women Rockin’ the World”, ArtRage Gallery, Syracuse, NY.
2009 “El Mundo Zurdo”, group Art Exhibition, Esperanza Peace and Justice center, San Antonio, TX
2007 “G Gallery”, 301 East 11th Street, Houston, TX. Gallery director, Wayne Gilbert. Group exhibition (one piece). November 2007.
2007 “Soul Paintings”, Art Department, Laredo Community College, Laredo, Texas. One person exhibition (twenty-one pieces).
1994 Dreams of the Old Country, Art Institute of the Permian Basin. Odessa, Texas. Regional Invitational one person exhibition. Twenty works.
1992 Trail of Tears, Firehouse Gallery, Houston, TX. Regional invitational group exhibition.
1992 Lahib Jaddo, Longview Museum, Longview, Texas. Regional won exhibition by award, two-person exhibition.
2009 Lahib Jaddo Art 2004-2009, Self-published book, blurb.com.
2005 “Plain Speaking”, documentary by Chris Cadell, Premiered at Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts.
2019 “Jaddoland” Feature length film by Nadia Shihab